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     萬御堂駐顏面泥 (清代宫廷秘方)  
         Man Yu Tong Beauty Mask
(The Secret Formula From The Qing Dynasty)HKD128


太興奮了!! 我們的面泥終於推出了新版!!




It's so exciting that our Man Yu Tong face mask has finally launched a new version!!


The amount of the new one is almost double that of the old one. And It can be used about 8 times. The effect is more obvious and more refined. Also it is more convenient for using the mask after changing the package.





Original price HKD128
Promotion period is now HKD108
Buy 3 or more can be HKD88 per each



萃取於珍珠末, 羚羊角, 白芷, 白芨等名貴中藥


功效 : 嫩滑肌膚, 長用可美白并淡化黑斑

用法 : 潔面後, 塗上面泥, 10分鐘後用水清洗亁淨即可



Made from pearl powder, antelope horn, angelica root, bietilla and other precious Chinese herbals. 

Contains natural qualified honey and natural superfine grains of sand.

​Function: Promote youthful and smooth skin. Brighten skin and help correct sun spots, discoloration and blemishes. 


Application: After washing face, apply it onto skin for around 10 minutes, and then rinse it with clean water. 


保全方法: 存放於陰凉乾燥處。開封後請於60天內用完。避光照射。

注意: 請罝於兒童難及之處。避免產品進入眼睛, 如不慎進入,請用清水冲洗。如對本產品過敏請停止使用。

Storage: Store in a cool and dry place. Please discard any remaining solution 60 days after opening. Avoid direct sun-light.

Cautions: Keep out reach of children. Avoid it running into eyes. Should it run into eyes, rinse the eyes with clean water. Stop 

                 using if any allergies occur.








Quality and Safety Test:

Hong Kong Standards and Testing Center


淨含量: 30g



Made in Hong Kong

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